Supplement Business Website
Stage 1
Initial 1-Hour Zoom Discovery Session To Discuss Your Vision
Upon purchasing you will join Mark on a Zoom consult to discuss your vision
We will choose your niche, your first products, and discuss ideas for your brand design and style
Stage 2
First Draft Bottle And Website Header Reveal
Within 24 hours of the session, you will receive an image (3D render) of your bottle and main website header image
This will give you an idea of our vision for your new brand
Stage 3
Label Or Website Header Edits To Your Satisfaction
This is where you can give your feedback and direction on the design aspects and look and feel of your new label and website
We’ll have the edits done within 24 hours
Stage 4
Website Design, Development, + Copy Started
With your clearance we will begin your website build
We build the site in real time so you can check in and watch the progress made to your site whenever you wish
Stage 5
Final Edits To Your Satisfaction And Launch!
With the website completed, you’ll again join Mark for a Zoom session walking you through your new website
You’ll be shown how to add Blogs, do basic SEO, and make edits
Stage 6
Final Edits To Your Satisfaction And Launch!
You’ll have time after the session to slowly go through the entirety of your new website and advice if you wish us to make edits.
We’ll finish the edits and complete the site
Total Build Time: 15 Days
Total Build Time: 15 Days
To ensure you’ll both love and be very proud of your new brand, labels, and website, we’ll meet on (ideally) Zoom (allow 1-hour) to discuss your vision of how the finished brand might look. Myself and the team will do all we can to reflect your ideas and personality into the brand.
We should always build a brand around a product, niche, or demographic. The branding, message, and imagery for an ‘Over 70’s memory formula’ is very different to that of a ‘High-Energy Gaming Fuel’ aimed at 17-year-olds.
Knowing who we are building the brand for will also help us choose supplements to suit their needs and makes the marketing aspect of the business easier once we know who we are talking to, where to find them online, and how to talk to them.
Before our session together give prior thought to a niche, or group of people you’d like to serve with your supplements. And give thought to what your dream brand might look like. And perhaps you might like to find a couple of examples of websites and brands you like. Think in terms of colors, fonts, feel (masculine/feminine/professional/exciting) etc.
And if you have no ideas then please relax… I can make recommendations during our session together and build a brand for you using my 9-years experience.
Conclusion Of The Session
After our session together we will both have a clearer vision of what I am to create. Afterward we will liaise via email and within 24 hours of the session we will have decided upon a niche, a brand name, and your first product/s (if not done already).
From there we will create a first draft 3D render of how one of your supplement bottles might look with your branded label. We can take as much time as we need to get it right.
By the time I hand over your new website to you – you’ll have something you can’t wait to start marketing and promoting.
You have before you now a choice… Do you hire a website designer and developer who likely know nothing of owning a supplement business…
Or do you hire supplement business owners who know everything about building websites?
We are supplement business owners and having spent nearly 10-years wasting all the money and making all the mistakes, I feel you couldn’t be in better hands.
If you are looking to ‘pay once’ and purchase a high-converting website, then we can build it.
By the time our team have finished your new supplement business website will:
- Instil trust and confidence shifting browsers to buyers
- Lead them easily to the products that hold the solutions to their ailments
- Explain clearly (with simple science) how each of your products will benefit their lives
- And offer pricing strategies that encourage a larger cart spend
Why your supplement business website WILL convert sales!
Over the past decade we have tested and measured all manner of strategies to lift conversions rates, the customer’s average spend, and the lifetime value of the customer (how to get them coming back month after month).
The result is our average supplement business website converts at 4.5% – that is of every 100 visitors to one of our websites, on average 4-5 people will buy.
With the global average being 2.2% (Source: Semrush) and your new website converting at over double the competition, you could be in a theoretical position where you can now spend 50% less than your competitor on marketing – to get the same result.
Our difference is the ‘magic’ we interweave into every website…
From there we will create a first draft 3D render of how one of your supplement bottles might look with your branded label. We can take as much time as we need to get it right.
By the time I hand over your new website to you – you’ll have something you can’t wait to start marketing and promoting.
It’s not what you sell that matters as much as how you sell it!
Brian Halligan
1. We Always Do The Keyword Research First
For the search engines to know exactly who your website and supplements are for, your pages must be leverage ‘on-page’ SEO (Search Engine Optimization). To do SEO successfully you must first decide which keywords or key phrases (that someone might type into Google) you’d like your site to appear on Google for.
So, before your new website is started, your developer must first do keyword research to find out what you are hoping to get your site ranked on Google or Bing for – I.E., ‘Best Testosterone Supplement’, or ‘Brain Enhancement Supplement’.
To ensure you rank properly and can be found by people searching for supplements like yours, the text (copy) on your website needs to follow a set of rules set out by the search engines. If you want Google to send people to your brain enhancement supplement product page for example then the copy on that page needs to feature the phrase ‘brain enhancing supplement’ in the titles, and at least 3 or 4 times in the copy. Your images on that page must also be titled to reflect the keyword or key phrase.
Nearly all web development companies fail to do keyword research, and on page SEO. This means your website will barely ever see any organic traffic sent by the search engines. With no organic traffic you will be forced to market using costly paid Ads and this is not a wise path to take.
Not only do we do your keyword research for you, but we supply it to you when your website is complete.
Knowing what people are searching for on the web can mean the difference between:
- Google knowing your site vs your site being uncategorised
- 1 person visiting your site per day vs. 100 people
- 10 people reading your Blog vs. hundreds of readers
- Your paid Ads returning a ROI vs. losing $XX,XXX
Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department
David Packard
2. We Complete ‘On-Page’ SEO On ALL Pages
With nearly all web development companies failing to do keyword research, their ability to rank your site is near impossible. But it gets worse.
You’ll often end up with a website that has no meta descriptions. Meta descriptions are the summary of the page that searchers see in the search engine results.
Without these filled out your home page, product page, or even ALL pages will look like this among the search results:
So, even if a person was to be shown your website among their search results, the chances of them clicking are slim. There is no enticing pitch or welcome message to let them know what excited stuff awaits should they click to go to your site.
When we build your site, all pages will have a meta description. Google and Bing will know what each page is about – and so will your potential customers.
Web design is not just about creating pretty layouts. It’s about understanding the marketing challenge behind your business
Mohamed Saad
3. We Don’t Use Templates – Your Unique Custom Site Will Be Built From Scratch
With the rise of the freelancer and digital nomad, most website companies no longer employ expensive full-time developers. Most now only employ project managers, a graphic designer or two, and a tele sales or email person to find new business.
90% of your website will be outsourced to someone you’ll never get to have a conversation with regarding your vision, nor will ever be able to contact should you need help after the completion.
Worst still, because of the low costs and time saving, your website developer will use a standard theme template that won’t stand out from the crowd – nor do your supplements justice. Having a custom site built – with love, care, and passion, slick sales copy, just enough science, and custom imagery all the way down to your guarantee icon – is the only way to ensure the people landing on the site place an order.
However, custom built websites tend to start at around $7,500. That is until now.
When we build your site, we start with a blank canvas. We find templates limiting and all too often follow a losing format and layout. We start from your ideas and work from there.
Our website builds utilize all we have learned. From heat maps and mouse tracking, bounce rate and time on page analysis, and leveraging bundles and a 1, 3, and 6 bottle pricing tier that encourages the customer to spend more.
The image we created on the left contains 18 different individual elements, including the graph paper background, fade gradients, and equally spaced symmetrical lines – and the end result is stunning.
A big reason so many businesses compete on price is because they can’t prove what value they offer, so they’re stuck with the one selling point that’s a breeze to communicate: cheapness
Mish Slade
4. Your Website Contains Unique Seductive Sales Copy That Sizzles!
Whilst many freelance writers will claim to be sales copy writers – nearly all have never had a job in sales – and for that reason don’t understand objection handling.
When a customer arrives on your website, they will have objections that will stop them from buying. The goal with great sales copy is to slowly close those objections down so they have no reason not to buy. The words on your website need to sell your supplements for you – even when you are asleep.
To do this the sales copy on your website needs to:
- Know who your perfect average client is and what their pain points, or health aspirations are
- Clearly explain how the ingredients in your supplement’s formula will work to improve their lives
- Paints pictures in their minds of how great their lives could be if they were to use your supplement
- Excitedly encourage them to take action right now and buy
- Close all their objections should they still have any
- Reassure them with a solid guarantee
As students of copywriting greats Dan Kennedy, Frank Kern, Joe Sugarman, and countless others, we not only understand buyer psychology, but can also preempt key objections a site visitor might have simply by knowing what the supplement is.
These objections will be covered and cleverly interwoven into the sales copy. Each one of your product pages will have a minimum of 1,500 words. This will cover all objections, use science to prove the claims, and earn you a better Google ranking for having wordy content.
The image on the left shows the global average number of words per page. The image on the right shows a reading from one of our sites. Google likes wordy sites that inform and educate visitors.
If you think it’s expensive hiring a professional, wait until you hire an amateur
Red Adair
The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more
Jonas Salk
With the choice to now hire website designers who’ll take a glance at the supplement world – versus ourselves who are supplement business owners that can build the very best supplement websites – you must decide. But before you do, please consider the following…
1. You Have 1 Team Working On The Vision
Outsourcing to different people (often non-native speakers) nearly always results in a mixed and noncongruent brand look, feel, and message.
Having your labels, images, sales copy, and website development all handled by the same team makes for brand congruency as we all share the same vision for your brand.
2. We Consider Your Brand Our Baby
So much thought goes into every one of our website builds that by the time it is ready for handover to you, we’ll care as much about it as you will.
We consider every brand we build to be a piece of digital art, and whilst designing the site will treat your ‘baby’ like one of our own.
3. We Have 10-Years Testing Experience
This is where we save you thousands of dollars. As supplement business owners ourselves, we have tried and tested hundreds of different website layouts, product page layouts, pricing strategies, copy writing techniques, and traffic growth plugins.
The website you receive from us out of the box will already be best set-up and suited to making supplement sales fast!
4. We Are Always Here After Completion
A web development company only need deliver a website – whether it sells or not. We on the other hand are always here after the completion and handover of your site should you need advice or help making those first sales.